MTV reality series features Hampton alumna


Dasia Willis | Staff Writer

Are you the one? Looks like Hampton University’s very own Kristyn Cheyenne Floyd is just that. A fellow Hamptonian and 2014 Onyx 9 public relations graduate from California, Cheyenne had the amazing opportunity of being cast in MTV’s Are You The One?

Are You The One? is an MTV reality television series that allows cast members to find love while attempting to win one-million dollars. MTV selects ten gorgeous young single women and ten attractive young single men.

The cast members are all placed in a beautiful home on a breath-taking island with limited access to anyone but themselves. The cast members have ten chances during the ten weeks to figure out all ten perfect matches.

All of the cast members are chosen based off of their failure to find love and stay in good relationships. Experts have tested all of the cast members, finding each of them a perfect match within the cast. During each episode the cast will pair up with whoever they trust their perfect match is to compete in a challenge. The winners of the challenge will then go on a date and if selected, have a chance to test their match in the truth booth.

The truth booth is the only way to confirm matches through the show. The losing cast members will choose one of the winning couples to go to the truth booth which determines if they are a perfect match or not. Each episode ends with a matching ceremony where the couples will have a chance to test the amount of perfect matches, but not which matches are correct.

That’s the tricky part. Being that the current season is the third season, the rules have changed. Usually at the end of the game, all cast members spilt the one-million dollars but in this season they can lose the money throughout the game by incorrectly guessing any of the 10 matches during the ceremony.

Even though this season is not over yet, Cheyenne was able to comment on her experience during the show.

Conversation detailed by DW and CF.


DW: How did you find out about the show?

CF: “I was at work about to leave and it was an email from the show that I should apply if interested. It was the last day of casting, so I looked up the show and was like “oh, why not?” My sister and I thought it was a joke but sat there and filled the application out, next thing I know I was doing a Skype interview.”

DW: What made you decide to go on the show?
CF: “I knew that it would be a cool opportunity to go onto a reality television show. It was even cooler that it was on MTV. I love taking risks and being spontaneous so I said “why not?” I wasn’t dating anyone and I have my own business, a fitness wear and lingerie line -The RUU – so I didn’t have much holding me back. My family supports my craziness and told me I should do it.”

DW: How would you describe yourself in just three words?

CF: “If I had to pick three words to describe myself they would be passionate, motivated and loyal.”

DW: How did you feel when the show first started?

CF: “To be honest, I was scared and nervous. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I couldn’t even handle living with my best friend in the Harbors at Hampton so how could I live with 19 strangers in one house! I had to mentally prepare myself for what I was going to do and just know that all I had to do was be myself.”

DW: Do you keep in touch with the other cast members?

CF: “Yes! We are like one big dysfunctional family. We fight, scream, cry, laugh, and have so much love for each other. The cast was super supportive of me having my own brand and a lot of the girls wear it on and off the show. I haven’t gone one day since filming without speaking to someone from the cast.”

DW: How would you describe the experience overall?

CF: “Crazy in a positive way. I learned a lot about myself and who I am as a person. It was cool seeing from a different view all that goes into making these shows. I don’t regret anything that I did on the show, all I can do is learn from it. This experience has opened a lot of other doors and I got to meet a lot of cool people. Something I will never forget.”

DW: How would you describe the challenges each week overall?

CF: “The challenges were all different. Some weeks it would be girls or guys and sometimes we would partner up. They were a lot of fun to do and I probably should have taken them more seriously to win more dates. I had a serious love-hate relationship with challenge days.”

DW: Did the show end how you initially thought it would?

CF: “The show was always full of surprises, but eventually I had to stop worrying so much, let go, and of course play with my heart. It’s definitely going to be an interesting season.”

DW: Did you have an embarrassing moments on the show?

CF: “Oh man, yes. Everyday something embarrassing happened, whether it was during a challenge or in an interview. I never knew what was going to come out of my mouth.”

Do you miss your home by the sea?

CF: “Yes! I loved Hampton and I miss being in college a lot. The “real world” is great but if I could go back to college and do it over again I would. Embrace it and live it up, four years will go by so fast.”

DW: Has Hampton had any influence on any decision making you’ve made during your experience?

CF: “Sometimes I don’t realize how big of an influence Hampton had on my life.  I learned a lot at Hampton, especially in Scripps. I had to remember basic things I learned at Hampton.  Anything you say can and will be repeated. Don’t put anything out in the world that you’re not proud of because it will come back to haunt you later.”

DW: How was it adapting to the environment, as far as a coed house and filming all the time?
If you could, would you do it all over again?

CF: “It was definitely hard getting used to at first but after a week it was like the cameras weren’t even there. Waking up with a camera over you wasn’t my favorite, I always felt like I looked crazy in the mornings. But all the crew was very nice and I began to actually like the cameras. The hardest thing was not being able to talk to my family during filming. If given the chance to do it all over again, I would probably do it. I might go crazy after though.”
Make sure you tune in to MTV, Wednesdays at 10/9c to see who Cheyenne’s perfect match is/will end up being. The show is very interesting and intriguing, you won’t be disappointed.

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